

Dr. Nothabo Ncube “Dr.Thabo” is a Medical Doctor, Multi-Award Winning Inspirational TEDx Speaker, Coach and a Mentor originally from Zimbabwe, now living in Canada. Having overcome her own personal and professional obstacles, her powerful story of loss, struggle and determination encourages this generation to face their challenges and conquer them.

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She was selected to attend The Intimate and Interactive OPRAH WINFREY Lifeclass on “You Become What You Believe” and is an acclaimed TEDx speaker. Through a whirlwind of inspirational lectures, round-table discussions and media appearances on platforms like Global News TV, Radio, CBC News Network, The Guardian Newspaper and The Canadian Immigrant Magazine she positively influences, challenges and reconnects humanity with their purpose. Dr. Thabo has shared the stage with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, The Hon. Jean Augustine – First African – Canadian woman to be elected to The House of Commons, Lisa Nichols, Michael Beckwith both from The Movie, The Secret and Dr. Tererai Trent, Oprah Winfrey All Time Favourite Guest. She uses incredible wit and candor to empower young girls and women.

Having lost her mother at the tender age of 14, at her mother’s death bed, she made a promise to her to be a doctor in Zimbabwe. Destiny led her to Canada where she and her family found themselves living in Community Housing in Toronto, subjected to social ills that could have deterred her from her path.

Despite these circumstances she rose from the ashes. Her journey leading to the fulfillment of the promise has been one filled with loss, pain, failures, mistakes, resilience, courage, faith, hope, grace and overcoming adversity. She is now on a mission to inspire hope, to be a voice of empowerment, and the bridge to many who are marginalized, powerless and voiceless. It is her intention that through her vulnerable truth they feel seen, heard and valued. Most importantly that they too awaken to the power of promise and purpose within them and that they come to a place of recognizing that it is often through the gift of pain and suffering that we stumble on a deeper and richer knowing about our calling.

She believes we are ONE and that our journeys are all connected. Join the movement as we individually and collectively challenge the norm and rise above our circumstances through the healing power of our stories and social advocacy.
“I am a living testimony that “Our words and thoughts have the power to create who we become”. This is my story, what will YOURS be? You alone have the power – YOU BECOME WHAT YOU BELIEVE!” – Nothabo Ncube, MD

Dr. Thabo and I met years ago for the first time at the “Fearless One Woman Summit” where she was speaking. I felt an instant connection with her as she spoke. Through this time we have gotten to know each other well. Her dedication to her craft, her passion and staying in her purpose is unwavering. Her confidence and authority on stage captures your attention the moment she starts to speak. This young woman is going to effect big change in her lifetime.

Reverend. Barb Takeda (Canada)


Honors & Awards

I have had the pleasure and privilege of not only mentoring Dr. Thabo during the early stages of her becoming but also tapping on and basking in her knowledge and wisdom as a Life Coach and Inspirational Speaker. She mentors from the heart and what I admire most about her story of resilience and authenticity is that she had the courage and strength to debunk societal expectations of her and follow her calling, something very rare in the 21st century. Every young girl who is stuck or needs some direction on reaching their full potential or whose wings have trouble flying for whatever reason needs to not only watch Dr. Thabo’s YouTube videos but follow her on social media to tap on her daily wisdom and enlist her services as a mentor to allow her to deposit her wisdom in its fullness and richness.

Shayla S. Dube: MSW, RSW (Canada)

Book a Talk

When I heard Dr. Thabo’s story, I knew instantly that she had to be part of our TEDx St Lawrence College line up. Her heartwarming, compelling and awe inspiring story moved the audience to tears. She has a powerful presence on stage and a natural skill to connect with her audience. Her ability to tell her story and encourage others to follow their dream was encouraging and motivating. She touched so many people in the audience and reminded all of us to keep going even when the odds are against us.

Professor. Spring Tompkins (Canada)